Thursday, April 28, 2011

Eric Carle: The Man behind the Genius

When I was a kid, I use to go to the library a lot with my brothers and my mom. I remember seeing these books in the children's section by an author named Eric Carle.  Now being around 7 years old, I could care less about who made the book.  I was far more fascinated with the amazing pictures I was looking at inside the book.  When I began writing children's stories and poems some years back, I always kept in the back of my head what type of illustrations I would want for myself.  With that said, Eric Carle's illustrative style was one that continued to reoccur (only I'd like to twist it up a bit and make it a little dark if you know where I'm coming from.)  It is now the process that I'm interested in.  After watching this video, I can't help but appreciate his way of not only storytelling, but story showing as well.  If I ever had an illustrator that was half as creative as Carle working on my stories, I'd be in heaven.

Check out this video on Eric Carle showing how he illustrated The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

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